Thrive It App FAQ

These are the most frequently asked questions. If you don’t find an answer here you may send an email using the Product Support Form. If you need more detailed step-by-step instructions, click here.

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Is the app available for Android?

Thrive It App is only available for Apple devices such as iPhone, iPad and iPod.

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How do I add my inventory?

  • From product page in catalog by pressing +
  • Import inventory using a preformatted spreadsheet. Template and instructions available here.

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How do I remove an item from inventory?

  • If you entered it by error, from the My Inventory screen with the item listed, swipe the line item from right to left and you will get a delete button. This deletes the item from your inventory as if it never existed.
  • If you have used up the item, go to the line item’s detail page and drag the Percent Full to zero. This keeps the item in your inventory history for metrics and reporting, but removes it from your active inventory view.

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How do I add to my Q Wish List?

  • The app’s Q is a wish list – there is no direct connection to your Q at
  • Tap the + in the Q symbol when you want to add an item to the list
  • You can email this list to yourself or refer to it on your device to update your Q at

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How do I email my Q Wish List?

  • Go to the Q tab. At the top of the screen between My Q and Edit is square with an arrow pointing up. This is the symbol for sending email. Tap it and the email will come up. You can then send it to yourself or anyone you like.

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How do I find a recipe?

  • Go to the recipes tab at the bottom of the screen
  • Search using search box, letters on the right column or scroll through

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How do I save a favorite recipe?

  • In the recipe detail, tap the Star next to Favorite

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How do I backup and/or restore my inventory?

Tap the Menu icon in the top left corner of screen – Choose Manage Data

  • To Backup – tap Backup Now in right column next to Inventory
  • To Restore – tap the i on the far right of the line item with the desired back up file

Why does a catalog item say “discontinued”?

  • Thrive Life occasionally discontinues items. Thrive It App users may still have these items in their inventory so they are kept in the list.

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Can I add a discontinued item to my inventory?

  • Yes – from product page in catalog by tapping the +

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Why does a catalog item say “image unavailable”?

  • Occasionally Thrive Life will update or change a label. If the image name changes before the app has updated, the app will show that  image as “unavailable.”
  • Depending on the product, you may still tap the “image unavailable” and it will go to the product label

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Why doesn’t the bar code scanner work?

  • The app was built with the bar code scanner so that a user would be able to scan thier products into inventory. However, when we attempted to get the UPC codes for the products from Thrive Life, Inc., we were informed that they plan to leave the UPC off of the labels in the next printing.
  • If they change their minds, we will add the UPCs. We will leave it there until we are sure they will NOT be using them in the future.

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Didn’t find the answer? Use our product support contact form by clicking here  or check out our detailed step-by-step instructions here.
